Friday, August 31, 2007

Reflective Writes

We went to the computer lab today to work on Addiction questions on the class wiki, which nobody could get onto for like half of class because the link that we all have on our blogs is wrong.

Today we listened to tobacco presentations by Luke, and Micah.

Today we watched a movie about decisions that should be made and how teenagers need to be understood and how making the right choices can be hard for kids like us with everything that is in our lives influencing us.

Today we presented our tobacco projects to the class and Josh had some complaints about the website and its content. James talked about withdrawal and Josh talked about the effects of smoking.

Today we where playing cards in class and talking about what was on them. They talked about the effects of smoking and how hazardous it is for your health. The cards almost made smoking funny, which probably isn't a good idea.

Today we went to the lab and participated in a nation wide drug chat thing. We had to ask these professionals questions about drugs that we wanted answered and they were supposed to respond. However, because there were so many people particiapting that we didn't get any answers back so we have to wait until next week to get them when they publish every single question and their answers.

Today Josh made his brain juice and no offense to him, but it was gross. But that is only because it tasted like grapefruit juice and I find that stuff revolting, it is too bitter for my taste.

Today we went to the lab to work on a Tobacco project, some of the stuff in my category was interesting. I had no idea that there were some many products out there to help people quit smoking. I also didn't know that most of them have not been approved by the FDA and have not been proven to actually work.

Today Ricky gave us a presentation on the different types of contraceptives, Some of the information was interesting but I did not like it when he would pass them aroiund and allowed us to get a chance to touch them. That was gross.


Today in class we had Ricky from Planned parenthood in Brattleboro come to talk to us about STI’s, how you can get them, symptoms, and treatments if any. He told us that the reason that they went from being STDs to STIs was that most would fall under STIs but not under STDs, so being STIs it encompasses more of them. He told us that there about 20 different types of infection, but we talked about the 7 most common ones out there today for people our age (15- 25). They were:
1. Chlamydia
2. Gonorrhea
3. Syphilis
5. Genital Herpes
6. Genital Warts
7. Pubic Lice (Crabs)

Then he talked to us about different types of sexual behavior and how risky they are.

Very Safe Sexual Behavior
1. Kissing with closed lips
2. Rubbing against each other with clothes on, i.e.: dry humping
3. Self Masturbation
4. Talking about sex and sexual fantasies with other people

Reasonably Safe Sexual Behavior
1. Sexual intercourse with a barrier
2. Wet Kissing
3. Oral sex with a barrier
4. Mutual Masturbation with latex gloves

Unsafe Sexual Behavior
1. Sexual Intercourse without a barrier
2. Oral Sex without protection
3. Masturbation with another person
4. Sharing sex toys

Today in class we did more Vitamin presentations
Micha: Vitiman C
Jen: Vitamin B1
Josh: Vitamin B2

Today in class we used the new juicer to see how it worked and to see what the juice would taste like, we juiced apples and the juice tasted like apple cider and surprisingly it was good, I am kind of nervous to see how everyone elses turns out though. Sarah did a Vitamin C presentation and Beth did a presentation on vitamin B3.

Today in class, all we did was go to the lab to work on stuff that we were missing so that those of us who were behind would have that opportunity to catch up.

Today in class, Jim Carter from Underhill came to talk to us about donating organs. We learned about heart and heart rate, liver, kidneys, and dialysis. We learned about the TILT: Today I learned that........ We also learned about alcohol and cirrhosis on the liver. We also learned about the two different types of death: brain and cardiac. We found out that you only need 30% of one kidney to survive and some people may not have both, and you NEED a liver to survive. The liver is also the biggest organ in your body. We also talked about how long certain organs can be outside of the body:
Liver: 4hrs
Heart: 6hrs
Kidneys: 72hrs
Corneas: 14 days
We learned about cars and seat belts:
1964: Ford was the first car to have seat belts as a requirement, and they were only the lap ones.
1950's: Volvo was the firs European car to have seat belts.
1968: USA govt required that all cars mus have seat belts.
2001: Click it or ticket.
Neils Bjolan invented that chest strap of the seat belt. He also talked to use about his daughter, Andrea, who died in a car crash when she was 17 and how her family had her organs donated to people in need of transplants.

Today in class we continued on with our presentations.
Micah: Vitamin C. He didn't know what collagen was so he had to look it up online and found the definition to be: main protein of connective tissue in animals and the most abundant protein in mammals, 25% of the total protein content. We also had to look up whether or not Mountain Dew really causes sterility in men, don't worry, it doesn't.
Jen:Vitamin B-1
Josh: Vitamin B-2

Today we found out about our new assignment: The food pyramid. We were divided into 5 groups, I am in group #1, the Grains with Beth and Josh. We have to go onto the food pyramid website and answer specific questions about the group we were assigned. We also have to go on and complete a quick questionnaire that tells us specifically what we need to take in daily, food wise. Then we were to post the results into the My Projects section of our blogs.


Today in class we learned that we had to create two more accouts, flickr and These are supposed to help us in links and bookmarking, which I don't get the point of why we have to do this. Then Mr. Cohun left and some of us started our vitamin presentations.
Sara E: Vitamin C
Zach W: Vertamin H
Luke C: Vitamin B-5
Beth C: Vitamin B-3
Jen M: Vitamin B-1
Me: Vitamin B-12
Overall they were really good, some may have needed speling corrections or more information but they all helped us understand the different types of Vitamins out there.


In class today we found out about our new assignments. Each of us has a vegetable, fruit and vitamin to research online. Then we learned about different kinds of juicers. We watched three different videos on juicer each with a different sales pitch. The first one that we watched was the Breville Juice Fountain Elite. The video that we watched next was on the Jack Lalanne Power Juicer. The last video was on the juicer guy. It was a funny sales video that didn't really explain what the juicers details were they were more interested in selling a hippo cup thingie.

9/14/07What is juicing and why would you want to have juicing be part of a healthy lifestyle?

Today in class we got a new assignment, and that was to answer the above question. To do this we had to use the links provided on the school blog. I discovered that the definition of juicing is the natural fluid, fluid content, or liquid part that can be extracted from a plant or one of its parts, esp. of a fruit: orange juice. . But, surprisingly, fruits arre not the only thing that can be juiced, there is also vegetables.


Today in class we learned how to set up our wiki accounts and out blogs. Then we went to the computer lab where we were supposed to put this knowledge into effect and create both accounts. There were problems with the wiki as I couldn't log into it for most of class, but eventually we were able to fix the problem and I could get on. The blog was a lot easier to do. There was a little hold up after it had been created as I had forgotten what username to use and was logging on wrong. But I was to figure out the problem but noticing someone else's account and was able to get on. I also learned to add links and a picture which I was then able to help someone else with.


Jack Cohun said...

Nice Job!!Check out Beth Comtois blog.

Jack Cohun said...

Don't fall behind in your posts!

Jack Cohun said...

Have to get going on your reflective posts. This is an easy 20% of your grade.

Jack Cohun said...

I really enjoyed your reflective write on Jim Carter.

Jack Cohun said...

No reflective writes since 9/20????